North Side Fitness Challenge -- Support Team

Check out this site frequently for ideas, inspiration and support to help meet your fitness goals.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome to the New You

Just for one minute, think about what your life would be like if you didn't worry about your weight. Right now, close your eyes and imagine the freedom. You would eat without wondering if the food would make you fat or sick. You would bless your body with health activities out of joy -- not guilt. What would you do with your time?  Would you spend more time doing activities that you enjoy?  Would you paint your house or write a book?
We spend countless hours counting calories and dieting and yet it never seems to end. The weight loss industry is betting on your failure -- that's how they make money. So for the first month of the North Side Fitness Challenge, just stop. Don't diet.
You're stunned, right? Isn't the whole purpose of this event to lose weight?
Nope. The purpose is to get fit and for this support team we'll work from inside out. That means we'll learn how to take care of our bodies -- to love ourselves enough to fuel our system with energy sustaining foods and blessing our physical self with movement.
Although it sounds easy, what you're about to learn is the most difficult diet tip you'll ever read.  You were born with this skill and have spent a lifetime learning to ignore it. Get a piece of paper and a pencil out or open a word processing window because you'll want to write this down.
Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full.
Earth shattering, right?
Try it. If you could do it, you probably wouldn't be here right now.
Here's a simple tool to help you get started. You'll want a journal of some sort to track this.
Before you open up your mouth to insert food, take a breath. Then assign a number from 1 - 10.
"One" for you're starving like you haven't eaten in days.  "Ten" if you're so stuffed you may explode. Soon.
The trick is to eat when you're at a 4 or 5 and stop before you get to 8. Also note how you're feeling.  Are you angry, sad, mad, excited, in love or content? Make a note of that in your journal. You'll see over time if there are any trends. For example -- you are overwhelmed every day at 6 after you've just got home from work and the kids need help with your homework and the bills need to be paid and the washer overflowed. Of course you're overwhelmed. If you're reaching for food, you're looking for comfort. So now that you've discovered this about yourself -- you can find new ways to find comfort and will eat less.
It all sounds painfully simple. It's not -- but that's why you're here. The InsideOut support team is here to help you through the process. We're a group of people with similar fitness goals. Together we will help each other reach our goals without fear of guilt or judgement.
Our first meeting is Feb.  7. Between now and then, start your journal. When you eat -- try to stay between a 4 and 7 and become aware of when and why you're eating. (This scale was developed by Megan Osborne, an eating order specialist) Look for trends and then look for other ways of dealing with the emotions you're feeling when you're eating. We'll also be posting writing prompts, recipes and ideas for helping you meet your weight loss goals. If journaling isn't your thing -- simply make a mental note to be more conscious when you eat.
If you'd like, there are several great books to read to help with this process. Look up anything from Geneen Roth. For a great workbook approach, try Marianne Williamson's A Course in Weight Loss.  It's available at bookstores and at your local library (although some libraries will have to order it, so call ahead).
There are three parts of this team; the 3 W's. Within, Water, Walking.
Turn Within: Listen to your body and eat when you're hungry -- stop when you're full using the scale described above. Right now don't worry about the type of food. It's neutral.  Not good or bad. Furthermore you're not a bad person or a good person based on the food you eat or the numbers on the scale. Don't even get on the scale. Tune into the inner you. Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full.
Water:  We rarely drink enough water. Check with your health care provider to find out the proper amount for your age and body type. This doesn't count pop, coffee, tea or juice. It's water. If you don't like the taste of your water, add a slice of lemon or lime. Drink the recommended amount of water.
Walking: Again, check with your health care provider to make sure you can walk without doing extra harm to your body.  If you have been inactive for a while, start simple. For example, walk for 4 minutes. Add another minute when you're ready. This is not a race. This a journey.
Bonus:  Spend 20 minutes a day doing something that brings you joy. Something JUST FOR YOU. You may get joy by fixing your kids dinner, but that's not what we're talking about. Do something that brings you joy. Read a book. Sew. Paint. Plant something... whatever it is, do it because you love it!

Here's some fun songs to get you started. Check back often for more ideas, tips...and more! 

  This is a beautiful song from the Broadway musical Wicked. Listen to the words!
Another Great one -- again listen to the words!

Everything you need is already within you!

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